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Rarely is it disputed that the Bible is the most influential book that mankind has encountered. However it must be honestly confessed that, at least in much of Western society, which arguably was born through the agency of the Bible, increased secularity has been paralleled by a decline in  understanding and interest in this incomparable volume. The aim of this course is to start with the proposition that belief, or indeed unbelief, cannot be exercised unless there is comprehension of the truth of the Bible. Faith, as is so wrongly understood, is not the response to abstract thought, to sentiment and tradition; it is not a leap in the dark. Rather faith is a leap in the light; it is the embrace of truth. Granted that faith does not necessarily grasp the totality of truth, yet it lays hold of sufficient truth that is regarded as being worthy of commitment  to its claims.

 So here we start with learning the truth about the Bible in a summary manner. We must learn its anatomy as well as something of the flesh that adheres to this form. However we must also grasp that for the human authors employed, the truth contained in Scripture has supernatural vitality that far transcends mere literary structure.

If we simply stop at the arrangement of the Bible, we are in danger of dying of thirst when a soul quenching spring is before our very eyes. So we take seriously the prescription of Jesus Christ: “You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free” (John 8:32).           

